
Sunday, February 20, 2011

Moss Monograms

When  I found these wooden letters at Goodwill I already new what I wanted to do with them. They were painted navy & gold & had glue all over the backs of them. One of them someone had even tried to make & the wood had splits all over it, they were just nasty. But I got seven of them for two dollars. My friend Melissa had made a really cute monogram for her last name that she covered in moss, I had always wanted to try making one but since my boyfriend & I aren't married, & my older daughter has a different last name, I would've had to make three different ones for our house! So until now, I haven't really been able to do it. I thought since there were several different letters to work with, these would be good for my boutique space.

 Because they were so gross looking on the back I decided that in order to look nice enough for people to buy, I needed to clean them up. So I sprayed the back a tan color I had on hand & did the fronts in green - in case there were any tiny spots that showed through the moss.
 Here's how they came out. I also covered over the tan paint on the back with burlap then attached saw tooth hangers with hot glue. I used these to tie each end of a cream grosgrain ribbon through. I don't have a shot of the back but it's pretty self explanatory.
The moss I used came in sheets , I put the letters face down on the back of the moss sheet then traced around them with a Sharpie. After cutting them out I hot glued them to the front of the letters & then cut thin strips to finish off the sides. I thought covering the outside edges would be a total pain in the butt. It actually wasn't bad, the moss is pretty forgiving. I finished three of these to hang in my boutique &  have already sold one. The others will be finished up & joining these ones at the Revamped boutique soon.

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